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The following are the ongoing development branches in the repository:
master :: this branch is the most recent 'official' release.
beta :: this is the as-closest-to-next-release build that there is. While it is described as beta, it's more stable than it sounds. Code is only pushed to it when it's reasonably mature. However, caveat emptor, and some features may be incomplete and/or change before it is merged into master.
hybrid :: this is a build that includes the HYBRID and NCVW algorithms, but Dave's research directions went in another direction, so this branch had been abandoned (for now).
The following are dead / frozen branches in the repository:
satenstein :: SATenstein was branched off of UBCSAT, but it is no longer under development.
The following are special branches that correspond to builds for specific competitions:
maxsatcomp2012-irots :: This is the build from the 2012 MAX-SAT competition. The version used in the competition was 1.2-m6.
satcomp2011-sparrow :: This is the build from the 2011 SAT competition. The version used in the competition was 1.2-b10
In addition to branches, there are several special tags builds that are worth mentioning:
vX.Y & vX.YbetaZ :: these tags correspond to specific releases (and beta releases).
v1.2beta12 :: this is the build that added Captain Jack, however, technically [sat11-jack-oldnames] was used for the paper. The only difference was the renaming of parameter names to be consistent with the paper descriptions.